Cosmetic Services
Botox is a purified protein that is used to soften deeper lines and wrinkles of the forehead, glabella (space between the eyebrows), and crow’s feet (smile lines around the eyes).
ALA-Photodynamic Therapy
By sensitizing your skin with Levulan, this modality can treat acne, photodamage, as well as rid your skin of actinic keratoses or pre-cancers.
The Candela Gentlemax laser can safely preform hair removal for all skin types, as well as treat brown spots from photodamage, leg veins, and other conditions.
The Candela Vbeam pulsed dye laser can be utilized to rid red spots from rosacea, blood vessels from sun damage, redness from scars, and other uses.
Chemical Peels
We can perform glycolic, salicylic acid, or TCA peels. These agents are employed to help slough the top layer of skin. Chemical peels are helpful in correcting brown spots from photoaging, fine wrinkles, and/or acne.